Embracing the Sacred Stillness: Centering Prayer


Today, I want to share with you the transformative practice of centering prayer from a Christian perspective. It is a beautiful way to deepen our relationship with God, quiet our hearts, and draw closer to His divine presence.

Centering prayer is rooted in the rich contemplative tradition of our faith, inviting us to enter into a sacred space of silence and stillness. As we sit in prayerful silence, we open ourselves to the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit, seeking to align our will with God's loving guidance.

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, centering prayer provides a refuge—a sanctuary of peace where we can lay down our burdens, worries, and distractions. It is a precious opportunity to detach from the noise of the world and commune with our Heavenly Father in the secret chambers of our hearts.

Through centering prayer, we release the need to speak or ask for specific things. Instead, we surrender ourselves in trust, opening our hearts to receive the love and wisdom that God longs to bestow upon us. In this sacred space, we can simply "be still, and know that He is God" (Psalm 46:10).

Centering prayer nourishes our faith, allowing us to encounter the depths of God's love and grace. It cultivates a profound sense of intimacy with our Savior, as we surrender our thoughts, desires, and agendas, and invite Him to work in and through us according to His divine will.

As we practice centering prayer, we are reminded of the transformative power of silence and solitude—a sacred discipline embraced by countless contemplatives throughout history. It is in this stillness that our souls find rest, our hearts are refreshed, and our spirits are enlivened by the Holy Spirit's gentle touch.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us set aside dedicated time for centering prayer in our lives. Find a quiet space, assume a comfortable posture, and surrender your cares into God's loving hands. Choose a sacred word or phrase, such as "Abba Father" or "Jesus, I trust in You," and allow it to guide your focus and anchor your attention.

In the midst of this sacred silence, as thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently let them pass, returning to your sacred word and the presence of God. Rest in His love, listen to His voice, and allow His peace to envelop your entire being.

Through centering prayer, we can deepen our relationship with Christ, drawing closer to His heart and growing in our understanding of His divine plan for our lives. May this practice be a source of strength, inspiration, and spiritual renewal as we journey together on the path of discipleship.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit guide and sustain you in your centering prayer practice.

In His abundant love and grace,

Dr. Winford Amos