Healing from Past Trauma: How Christian Counseling Can Restore Your Inner Peace

Healing from Past Trauma: How Christian Counseling Can Restore Your Inner Peace

Trauma is something that many of us have experienced in one form or another. As Christians, our faith gives us hope in the midst of any trauma we may have experienced. We can also find help and healing through counseling with a professional Christian counselor.
In this blog post, I will discuss different types of trauma people experience and how they can be helped by Christian counselors who offer empathetic listening and compassionate support.
What is Trauma?
Trauma is a response to a traumatic experience. A traumatic event can be caused by an event, by a series of events, or by witnessing the traumatic event. Traumatic events include natural disasters (such as earthquakes), accidents (like car accidents), sexual assault and war.
Trauma can also be caused by terrorism--an act that causes terror in people who hear about it or see it happen.
The most common symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, flashbacks, feeling emotionally numb and avoiding situations that remind you of the traumatic event.
What are the signs of trauma?
Trauma can be a difficult concept to grasp. You might be wondering, "How will I know if I've been traumatized?" If you're experiencing any of the following signs, it's possible that you've experienced a traumatic event:
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches
  • Anxiety, depression or other emotional issues like irritability or anger (even if they don't seem related to what happened)
How can I heal from trauma?
There are many ways to heal from trauma. The first step is to talk about what happened, even if you don't feel ready. You can seek out a counselor or friend who will listen without judgment and offer support, or even just venting your feelings on Facebook (as long as they're not too personal).
Talking through the experience with someone else is an important step toward recovery because it helps you process what happened in your mind and body--and realize that whatever happened isn't your fault!
Exercise is also important for healing from past trauma; research shows that exercise promotes good health by reducing stress hormones like cortisol, which can contribute to anxiety and depression symptoms related to trauma exposure over time.[1] If it's difficult for you right now due to physical limitations or other reasons such as lack of time or money then try meditating instead: meditation has been shown to decrease blood pressure [2], improve immune system functioning,[3] reduce depressive symptoms[4], increase relaxation response[5], decrease pain perception[6]. Or write down all those thoughts swirling around inside your head: journaling has been shown to be an effective way to calm those voices.
How can Christian counseling help with healing from trauma?
Christian counseling is a process of healing and restoration. It can help you identify the root cause of your trauma, discover what you need to heal, and find ways to cope with your trauma. Christian counseling also helps people who have been traumatized find ways to help others who are suffering from similar experiences.
The goal of Christian counseling is not just to treat symptoms but also address their underlying causes so that you can become whole again--physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.
Healing from past trauma is a process. There are many paths to inner peace, and seeking help is one of them.
Healing from past trauma is a process. There are many paths to inner peace, and seeking help is one of them.
Finding the right therapist for you can be difficult, so it's important to know what to look for in a counselor. Your therapist should understand your faith and be able to work with you on an individualized basis while respecting your beliefs. A good fit will feel like they "get" who you are as a person--not just how they think they can help solve specific problems or issues related to your past trauma experience(s).
If you're struggling with the effects of past trauma, know that there is hope. Healing is possible, and it can be done through the power of God's love. If you are interested in learning more about how Christian counseling can help with healing from trauma, we encourage you to contact us today!