Where are you?

Many individuals struggle connecting with their passion and purpose. Over the years, I have encountered some common questions and declarations to describe the feeling of being lost. Here are a few:

I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing right now.
Where do I begin?
I know that I should be doing _______. How am I going to do this?
What is my calling?
How do I figure out what to do next?

The uncertainty of the pandemic, social isolation, and the disruption of our normal rhythm of life has many people stressed, anxious, and feeling overwhelmed. The fact that returning to our previous rhythm of life will not happen, makes the uncertainty of the future difficult to bear for many. The flight, fight, or freeze response associated with trauma and stress related challenges can be seen in many areas of our lives today. The lingering fear due to the disastrous health outcomes of the pandemic has triggered many to avoid social situations.  Many are experiencing difficulty socializing with the easing of the mask mandate and social distancing for those who are vaccinated. Others may become aggressive with a fight response as we have seen with confrontations over masks and increased incidents of domestic violence. Those frozen report symptoms of depression, brain fog, and difficulty being productive in their home, work, and community.

We invite you to Journey with us to a place of health. The first empowering video will equip you with a GPS (Global Positioning System) in order to assess where you are as well as where you are going. These two points are necessary to establish direction for the next step of your Journey. Where are You? will be posted within the next 7 days.